/* This C language subroutine returns non-zero if the input is printable, zero otherwise. The Run Time Library for the C Language. Gordon A. Sterling (617) 461 - 3076 DSP Development Tools Engineering Updated on 5/94 by AS #include
int isprint(int c); */ #include "lib_glob.h" #include "cty_glob.h" .SEGMENT/CODE Code_Space_Name; .FILE RTL_FILENAME; .GLOBAL _isprint; _isprint: R2=126; COMP(R4,R2), R0=dm_1; /*Set return to true*/ IF GT R0=R0-R0; /*Set return to false*/ R2=32; COMP(R4,R2), FETCH_RETURN IF LT R0=R0-R0; /*Set return to false*/ restore_state: RETURN (DB); RESTORE_STACK RESTORE_FRAME .ENDSEG;