/* This file contains the global declarations for the signal.h header file and its associated routines*/ #define SIG_DFL 0x01 #define SIG_ERR 0x02 #define SIG_IGN 0x03 #define SIGABRT 32 #define SIGFPE 18 #define SIGILL 33 #define SIGINT 34 #define SIGSEGV 35 #define SIGTERM 36 #define SIG_INT0 8 #define SIG_INT1 7 #define SIG_INT2 6 #define SIG_INT3 5 #define SIG_HTIMER 4 #define SIG_HARDWARE_STACK_OVRFLW 3 #define ___SIG_LAST_INTERRUPT 37 #define ___SIG_LAST_HARDWARE_INT 31 #define ___SIG_FIRST_INTERRUPT 3 #define next_mask 0 #define next_func 1 #define curr_func 2 #define defl_mask 3 #define defl_func 4 #define defl_disp 5