/* This C language subroutine computes the length of the maximum initial segment of the string pointed to by s1 which consists entirely of chacters from the string pointed to by s1. The Run Time Library for the C Language. Gordon A. Sterling (617) 461 - 3076 DSP Development Tools Engineering Created on 1/19/91 Updated on 5/94 by AS Updated on 3/95 by AS - separated polymorphic functions #include
size_t strspn(const char *s1, const char *s2); */ #include "lib_glob.h" #include "str_glob.h" .SEGMENT/CODE Code_Space_Name; .FILE RTL_FILENAME; .GLOBAL ___strspnDP; ___strspnDP: strspn_core: R0=PASS R4; /* Check for NULL for s1 */ IF NE R0=PASS R8; /* Check for NULL for s2 */ dm_vs_pm: IF EQ JUMP (PC, restore_state) (DB); /* Cond code set by caller */ R0=R0-R0, dm_ptr=R4; /* Point to s1 */ pm_bse=R8; /* Point to s2 with base pointer*/ R4=DM(dm_ptr, dm_1); /* Read s1 */ R4=PASS R4, R8=PM(pm_ptr, pm_1);/* Test for NULL s1, read s2 */ IF EQ JUMP (PC, restore_state); /* Return a zero for NULL s1 */ DO scan_dmpms1 UNTIL EQ; /* Scan through s1 */ DO scan_dmpms2 UNTIL EQ; /* Scan through s2 */ IF NE R2=PASS R8; /* Check for EOS(s2) */ scan_dmpms2: IF NE COMP(R2,R4), R8=PM(pm_ptr, pm_1);/* Does s1==s2 */ R2=PASS R2, R4=DM(dm_ptr, dm_1);/* Read next character of s1 */ IF NE R4=PASS R4, pm_ptr=pm_bse;/* If EOS(s1), exit loop */ R2=PASS R2; /* Test for EOS(s2) */ scan_dmpms1: IF NE R0=R0+1, R8=PM(pm_ptr, pm_1);/* Increment Count */ restore_state: FETCH_RETURN RETURN (DB); RESTORE_STACK RESTORE_FRAME .ENDSEG;