/* This files is included by all routines that use the internal floating point format of the ADSP21xx C runtime environment. The internal format is a three word (48-bit) format. The first 16-bits represent a signed, unbiased exponent. The next 32 bits represent the signed, 1.31 format mantissa. This format provides more accuracy than IEEE-single, allowing most math routines to return results with less than 1 LSB error. */ .EXTERNAL ___lib_libfpmult, ___lib_libfpdiv; .EXTERNAL ___lib_libfpadd, ___lib_libfpsub; .EXTERNAL ___lib_libfpnorm; .EXTERNAL ___lib_libfp_sf, ___lib_sf_libfp; .EXTERNAL ___lib_libfpcp; .EXTERNAL ___lib_3wdtoi, ___libr_3wdtoi, ___lib_ito3wd; .EXTERNAL ___lib_3wd_neg, ___lib_3wd_abs;