/* This routine sets up the command line arguments to main. The value of argc is one, and the value of argv[0] = 'adi'. This routine is called once during the enviroment setup. The C Runtime Library Gordon A. Sterling (617) 461 - 3076 Development Tools Engineering Created on 6/9/93 */ .MODULE/IMAGE __Library_setup_args_; #include "lib_glob.h"; .VAR ___lib_argv; /* argv array */ .INIT ___lib_argv : ^___lib_arg1; /* Point to arg1 */ .VAR ___lib_arg1[5]; /* First arg string */ .INIT ___lib_arg1 : 97, 100, 105, 0, 0; /* 'a', 'd', 'i', 0, 0 */ .ENTRY ___lib_setup_args; ___lib_setup_args: AX0=0; /* NULL terminate stack */ M5=-1; /* Used to push down stk*/ put(AX0, M5), AR= PASS 1;/* argc == 1 */ AY1=^___lib_argv; /* *argv[0] == 'adi' */ RTS; .ENDMOD;