/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDCCasm.c - header file for all types of stuff to support different assemblers. Written By - Michael Hope 2000 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. In other words, you are welcome to use, share and improve this program. You are forbidden to forbid anyone else to use, share and improve what you give them. Help stamp out software-hoarding! -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Provides output functions that modify the output string based on the input tokens and the assembler token mapping specification loaded. Note that the functions below only handle digit format modifiers. eg %02X is ok, but %lu and %.4u will fail. */ #include #include "common.h" #include "dbuf_string.h" /* A 'token' is like !blah or %24f and is under the programmers control. */ static hTab *_h; char * FileBaseName (char *fileFullName) { char *p = fileFullName; if (!fileFullName) { return "unknown"; } while (*fileFullName) { if ((*fileFullName == '/') || (*fileFullName == '\\') || (*fileFullName == ':')) { p = fileFullName; p++; } fileFullName++; } return p; } void dbuf_tvprintf (struct dbuf_s *dbuf, const char *format, va_list ap) { // Under Linux PPC va_list is a structure instead of a primitive type, // and doesnt like being passed around. This version turns everything // into one function. // Supports: // !tokens // %[CIFN] - special formats with no argument (ie list isnt touched) // All of the system formats // This is acheived by expanding the tokens and zero arg formats into // one big format string, which is passed to the native printf. static int count; struct dbuf_s tmpDBuf; const char *noTokens; const char *sz = format; dbuf_init(&tmpDBuf, INITIAL_INLINEASM); /* First pass: expand all of the macros */ while (*sz) { if (*sz == '!') { /* Start of a token. Search until the first [non alpha, *] and call it a token. */ const char *t; struct dbuf_s token; dbuf_init (&token, 64); sz++; while (isalpha ((unsigned char)*sz) || *sz == '*') { dbuf_append (&token, sz++, 1); } /* Now find the token in the token list */ if ((t = shash_find (_h, dbuf_c_str(&token)))) { dbuf_append_str (&tmpDBuf, t); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Cant find token \"%s\"\n", dbuf_c_str(&token)); wassert (0); } dbuf_destroy (&token); } else { dbuf_append_char (&tmpDBuf, *sz++); } } /* Second pass: Expand any macros that we own */ dbuf_c_str (&tmpDBuf); sz = noTokens = dbuf_detach (&tmpDBuf); /* recycle tmpDBuf */ dbuf_init (&tmpDBuf, INITIAL_INLINEASM); while (*sz) { if (*sz == '%') { // See if its one that we handle. sz++; switch (*sz) { case 'C': // Code segment name. dbuf_append_str (&tmpDBuf, CODE_NAME); sz++; break; case 'F': // Source file name. dbuf_append_str (&tmpDBuf, fullSrcFileName); sz++; break; case 'N': // Current function name. dbuf_append_str (&tmpDBuf, currFunc->rname); sz++; break; case 'I': // Unique ID. dbuf_printf (&tmpDBuf, "%u", ++count); sz++; break; default: // Not one of ours. Copy until the end. dbuf_append_char (&tmpDBuf, '%'); while (!isalpha ((unsigned char)*sz)) dbuf_append_char (&tmpDBuf, *sz++); dbuf_append_char (&tmpDBuf, *sz++); } } else { dbuf_append_char (&tmpDBuf, *sz++); } } dbuf_free (noTokens); dbuf_vprintf (dbuf, dbuf_c_str (&tmpDBuf), ap); dbuf_destroy (&tmpDBuf); } void dbuf_tprintf (struct dbuf_s *dbuf, const char *szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, szFormat); dbuf_tvprintf (dbuf, szFormat, ap); va_end (ap); } void tsprintf (char *buffer, size_t len, const char *szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; struct dbuf_s dbuf; size_t copyLen; dbuf_init (&dbuf, INITIAL_INLINEASM); va_start (ap, szFormat); dbuf_tvprintf (&dbuf, szFormat, ap); va_end (ap); copyLen = min (len - 1, dbuf_get_length (&dbuf)); memcpy (buffer, dbuf_get_buf (&dbuf), copyLen); buffer[copyLen] = '\0'; dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); } void tfprintf (FILE *fp, const char *szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; struct dbuf_s dbuf; size_t len; dbuf_init (&dbuf, INITIAL_INLINEASM); va_start (ap, szFormat); dbuf_tvprintf (&dbuf, szFormat, ap); va_end (ap); len = dbuf_get_length (&dbuf); fwrite(dbuf_get_buf (&dbuf), 1, len, fp); dbuf_destroy (&dbuf); } void asm_addTree (const ASM_MAPPINGS *pMappings) { const ASM_MAPPING *pMap; /* Traverse down first */ if (pMappings->pParent) asm_addTree (pMappings->pParent); pMap = pMappings->pMappings; while (pMap->szKey && pMap->szValue) { shash_add (&_h, pMap->szKey, pMap->szValue); pMap++; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* printILine - return the readable i-code for this ic */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char * printILine (iCode *ic) { char *verbalICode; struct dbuf_s tmpBuf; size_t len; iCodeTable *icTab = getTableEntry (ic->op); dbuf_init (&tmpBuf, 1024); if (INLINEASM == ic->op) dbuf_append (&tmpBuf, "inline", (sizeof "inline") - 1); else { /* stuff the temporary file with the readable icode */ icTab->iCodePrint (&tmpBuf, ic, icTab->printName); } len = dbuf_get_length (&tmpBuf); /* null terminate the buffer */ dbuf_c_str (&tmpBuf); verbalICode = dbuf_detach (&tmpBuf); /* kill the trailing NL */ if (len > 0 && '\n' == verbalICode[len - 1]) verbalICode[--len] = '\0'; /* and throw it up */ return verbalICode; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* skipLine - skip the line from file infp */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int skipLine (FILE *infp) { int c; static char is_eof = 0; size_t len = 0; if (is_eof) return 0; while ((c = getc(infp)) != '\n' && EOF != c) ++len; if (EOF == c) { if (len) { /* EOF in the middle of the line */ is_eof = 1; return 1; } else return 0; } else return 1; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* printCLine - return the c-code for this lineno */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* int rewinds=0; */ const char * printCLine (const char *srcFile, int lineno) { static FILE *inFile = NULL; static struct dbuf_s line; static struct dbuf_s lastSrcFile; static char dbufInitialized = 0; static int inLineNo = 0; size_t len; if (!dbufInitialized) { dbuf_init (&line, 1024); dbuf_init (&lastSrcFile, PATH_MAX); dbufInitialized = 1; } else { /* empty the dynamic buffer */ dbuf_set_length (&line, 0); } if (inFile) { if (strcmp (dbuf_c_str (&lastSrcFile), srcFile) != 0) { fclose (inFile); inFile = NULL; inLineNo = 0; dbuf_set_length (&lastSrcFile, 0); dbuf_append_str (&lastSrcFile, srcFile); } } if (!inFile) { if (!(inFile = fopen(srcFile, "r"))) { /* can't open the file: don't panic, just return the error message */ dbuf_printf(&line, "ERROR: %s", strerror(errno)); return dbuf_c_str (&line); } else { dbuf_set_length (&lastSrcFile, 0); dbuf_append_str (&lastSrcFile, srcFile); } } if (inLineNo > lineno) { /* past the lineno: rewind the file pointer */ rewind (inFile); inLineNo = 0; /* rewinds++; */ } /* skip lines until lineno */ while (inLineNo + 1 < lineno) { if (!skipLine (inFile)) goto err_no_line; ++inLineNo; } /* get the line */ if (0 != (len = dbuf_getline (&line, inFile))) { const char *inLineString = dbuf_c_str (&line); ++inLineNo; /* remove the trailing NL */ if (len > 0 &&'\n' == inLineString[len - 1]) { dbuf_set_length (&line, --len); inLineString = dbuf_c_str (&line); } /* skip leading spaces */ while (isspace (*inLineString)) inLineString++; return inLineString; } err_no_line: dbuf_printf(&line, "ERROR: no line number %d in file %s", lineno, srcFile); return dbuf_c_str (&line); } static const ASM_MAPPING _asxxxx_mapping[] = { {"labeldef", "%s::"}, {"slabeldef", "%s:"}, {"tlabeldef", "%05d$:"}, {"tlabel", "%05d$"}, {"immed", "#"}, {"zero", "#0x00"}, {"one", "#0x01"}, {"area", ".area %s"}, {"areacode", ".area %s"}, {"areadata", ".area %s"}, {"areahome", ".area %s"}, {"ascii", ".ascii \"%s\""}, {"ds", ".ds %d"}, {"db", ".db"}, {"dbs", ".db %s"}, {"dw", ".dw"}, {"dws", ".dw %s"}, {"constbyte", "0x%02X"}, {"constword", "0x%04X"}, {"immedword", "#0x%04X"}, {"immedbyte", "#0x%02X"}, {"hashedstr", "#%s"}, {"lsbimmeds", "#<%s"}, {"msbimmeds", "#>%s"}, {"module", ".module %s"}, {"global", ".globl %s"}, {"fileprelude", ""}, {"functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, {"functionlabeldef", "%s:"}, {"bankimmeds", "0 ; PENDING: bank support"}, {"los", "(%s & 0xFF)"}, {"his", "(%s >> 8)"}, {"hihis", "(%s >> 16)"}, {"hihihis", "(%s >> 24)"}, {"lod", "(%d & 0xFF)"}, {"hid", "(%d >> 8)"}, {"hihid", "(%d >> 16)"}, {"hihihid", "(%d >> 24)"}, {"lol", "(%05d$ & 0xFF)"}, {"hil", "(%05d$ >> 8)"}, {"hihil", "(%05d$ >> 16)"}, {"hihihil", "(%05d$ >> 24)"}, {"equ", "="}, {"org", ".org 0x%04X"}, {NULL, NULL} }; static const ASM_MAPPING _gas_mapping[] = { {"labeldef", "%s::"}, {"slabeldef", "%s:"}, {"tlabeldef", "%05d$:"}, {"tlabel", "%05d$"}, {"immed", "#"}, {"zero", "#0x00"}, {"one", "#0x01"}, {"area", ".section %s"}, {"areacode", ".section %s"}, {"areadata", ".section %s"}, {"areahome", ".section %s"}, {"ascii", ".ascii \"%s\""}, {"ds", ".ds %d"}, {"db", ".db"}, {"dbs", ".db %s"}, {"dw", ".dw"}, {"dws", ".dw %s"}, {"constbyte", "0x%02X"}, {"constword", "0x%04X"}, {"immedword", "#0x%04X"}, {"immedbyte", "#0x%02X"}, {"hashedstr", "#%s"}, {"lsbimmeds", "#<%s"}, {"msbimmeds", "#>%s"}, {"module", ".file \"%s.c\""}, {"global", ".globl %s"}, {"extern", ".globl %s"}, {"fileprelude", ""}, {"functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, {"functionlabeldef", "%s:"}, {"bankimmeds", "0 ; PENDING: bank support"}, {NULL, NULL} }; static const ASM_MAPPING _a390_mapping[] = { {"labeldef", "%s:"}, {"slabeldef", "%s:"}, {"tlabeldef", "L%05d:"}, {"tlabel", "L%05d"}, {"immed", "#"}, {"zero", "#0"}, {"one", "#1"}, {"area", "; SECTION NOT SUPPORTED"}, {"areacode", "; SECTION NOT SUPPORTED"}, {"areadata", "; SECTION NOT SUPPORTED"}, {"areahome", "; SECTION NOT SUPPORTED"}, {"ascii", "db \"%s\""}, {"ds", "; STORAGE NOT SUPPORTED"}, {"db", "db"}, {"dbs", "db \"%s\""}, {"dw", "dw"}, {"dws", "dw %s"}, {"constbyte", "0%02xh"}, {"constword", "0%04xh"}, {"immedword", "#0%04Xh"}, {"immedbyte", "#0%02Xh"}, {"hashedstr", "#%s"}, {"lsbimmeds", "#<%s"}, {"msbimmeds", "#>%s"}, {"module", "; .file \"%s.c\""}, {"global", "; .globl %s"}, {"fileprelude", ""}, {"functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, {"functionlabeldef", "%s:"}, {"bankimmeds", "0 ; PENDING: bank support"}, {"los", "(%s & 0FFh)"}, {"his", "((%s / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihis", "((%s / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihis", "((%s / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"lod", "(%d & 0FFh)"}, {"hid", "((%d / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihid", "((%d / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihid", "((%d / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"lol", "(L%05d & 0FFh)"}, {"hil", "((L%05d / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihil", "((L%05d / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihil", "((L%09d / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"equ", " equ"}, {"org", ".org 0x%04X"}, {NULL, NULL} }; static const ASM_MAPPING _xa_asm_mapping[] = { {"labeldef", "%s:"}, {"slabeldef", "%s:"}, {"tlabeldef", "L%05d:"}, {"tlabel", "L%05d"}, {"immed", "#"}, {"zero", "#0"}, {"one", "#1"}, {"area", ".area %s"}, {"areacode", ".area %s"}, {"areadata", ".area %s"}, {"areahome", ".area %s"}, {"ascii", ".db \"%s\""}, {"ds", ".ds %d"}, {"db", ".db"}, {"dbs", ".db \"%s\""}, {"dw", ".dw"}, {"dws", ".dw %s"}, {"constbyte", "0x%02x"}, {"constword", "0x%04x"}, {"immedword", "0x%04x"}, {"immedbyte", "0x%02x"}, {"hashedstr", "#%s"}, {"lsbimmeds", "#<%s"}, {"msbimmeds", "#>%s"}, {"module", "; .module %s"}, {"global", ".globl %s"}, {"fileprelude", ""}, {"functionheader", "; ---------------------------------\n" "; Function %s\n" "; ---------------------------------" }, {"functionlabeldef", "%s:"}, {"bankimmeds", "0 ; PENDING: bank support"}, {"los", "(%s & 0FFh)"}, {"his", "((%s / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihis", "((%s / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihis", "((%s / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"lod", "(%d & 0FFh)"}, {"hid", "((%d / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihid", "((%d / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihid", "((%d / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"lol", "(L%05d & 0FFh)"}, {"hil", "((L%05d / 256) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihil", "((L%05d / 65536) & 0FFh)"}, {"hihihil", "((L%09d / 16777216) & 0FFh)"}, {"equ", " equ"}, {NULL, NULL} }; const ASM_MAPPINGS asm_asxxxx_mapping = { NULL, _asxxxx_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS asm_gas_mapping = { NULL, _gas_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS asm_a390_mapping = { NULL, _a390_mapping }; const ASM_MAPPINGS asm_xa_asm_mapping = { NULL, _xa_asm_mapping };