/** @file port.h Definitions for what a port must provide. All ports are referenced in SDCCmain.c. */ #ifndef PORT_INCLUDE #define PORT_INCLUDE #include "SDCCicode.h" #include "SDCCargs.h" #include "SDCCpeeph.h" #include "dbuf.h" #include "mcs51/peep.h" #define TARGET_ID_MCS51 1 #define TARGET_ID_GBZ80 2 #define TARGET_ID_Z80 3 #define TARGET_ID_AVR 4 #define TARGET_ID_DS390 5 #define TARGET_ID_PIC 6 #define TARGET_ID_PIC16 7 #define TARGET_ID_XA51 9 #define TARGET_ID_DS400 10 #define TARGET_ID_HC08 11 /* Macro to test the target we are compiling for. Can only be used after SDCCmain has defined the port */ #define TARGET_IS_MCS51 (port->id==TARGET_ID_MCS51) #define TARGET_IS_GBZ80 (port->id==TARGET_ID_GBZ80) #define TARGET_IS_Z80 (port->id==TARGET_ID_Z80) #define TARGET_Z80_LIKE (TARGET_IS_Z80 || TARGET_IS_GBZ80) #define TARGET_IS_AVR (port->id==TARGET_ID_AVR) #define TARGET_IS_DS390 (port->id==TARGET_ID_DS390) #define TARGET_IS_DS400 (port->id==TARGET_ID_DS400) #define TARGET_IS_PIC (port->id==TARGET_ID_PIC) #define TARGET_IS_PIC16 (port->id==TARGET_ID_PIC16) #define TARGET_IS_XA51 (port->id==TARGET_ID_XA51) #define TARGET_IS_HC08 (port->id==TARGET_ID_HC08) #define TARGET_MCS51_LIKE (TARGET_IS_MCS51 || TARGET_IS_DS390 || TARGET_IS_DS400) #define MAX_BUILTIN_ARGS 16 /* definition of builtin functions */ typedef struct builtins { char *name; /* name of builtin function */ char *rtype; /* return type as string : see typefromStr */ int nParms; /* number of parms : max 8 */ char *parm_types[MAX_BUILTIN_ARGS]; /* each parm type as string : see typeFromStr */ } builtins; struct ebbIndex; /* pragma structure */ struct pragma_s { const char *name; int id; char deprecated; int (*func)(int id, const char *name, const char *cp); }; /* defined in SDCClex.lex */ int process_pragma_tbl(const struct pragma_s *pragma_tbl, const char *s); /* Processor specific names */ typedef struct { /** Unique id for this target */ const int id; /** Target name used for -m */ const char * const target; /** Target name string, used for --help */ const char * const target_name; /** Specific processor for the given target family. specified by -p */ char *processor; struct { /** Pointer to glue function */ void (*do_glue)(void); /** TRUE if all types of glue functions should be inserted into the file that also defines main. We dont want this in cases like the z80 where the startup code is provided by a seperate module. */ bool glue_up_main; /* OR of MODEL_* */ int supported_models; int default_model; } general; /* assembler related information */ struct { /** Command to run and arguments (eg as-z80) */ const char **cmd; /** Alternate macro based form. */ const char *mcmd; /** Arguments for debug mode. */ const char *debug_opts; /** Arguments for normal assembly mode. */ const char *plain_opts; /* print externs as global */ int externGlobal; /* assembler file extension */ const char *file_ext; /** If non-null will be used to execute the assembler. */ void (*do_assemble) (set *); } assembler; /* linker related info */ struct { /** Command to run (eg link-z80) */ const char **cmd; /** Alternate macro based form. */ const char *mcmd; /** If non-null will be used to execute the link. */ void (*do_link) (void); /** Extension for object files (.rel, .obj, ...) */ const char *rel_ext; /** 1 if port needs the .lnk file, 0 otherwise */ const int needLinkerScript; } linker; struct { /** Default peephole rules */ char *default_rules; int (*getSize)(lineNode *line); bitVect * (*getRegsRead)(lineNode *line); bitVect * (*getRegsWritten)(lineNode *line); bool (*deadMove) (const char *reg, lineNode *currPl, lineNode *head); } peep; /** Basic type sizes */ struct { int char_size; int short_size; unsigned int int_size; int long_size; int ptr_size; //near int fptr_size; //far int gptr_size; //generic int bit_size; int float_size; int max_base_size; } s; /** tags for far, near, xstack, code generic pointers */ struct { int tag_far; int tag_near; int tag_xstack; int tag_code; } gp_tags; /** memory regions related stuff */ struct { const char * const xstack_name; const char * const istack_name; /* * The following 2 items can't be const pointers * due to ugly implementation in z80 target; * this should be fixed in src/z80/main.c (borutr) */ const char *code_name; const char *data_name; const char * const idata_name; const char * const pdata_name; const char * const xdata_name; const char * const bit_name; const char * const reg_name; const char * const static_name; const char * const overlay_name; const char * const post_static_name; const char * const home_name; const char * const xidata_name; // initialized xdata const char * const xinit_name; // a code copy of xidata const char * const const_name; // const data (code or not) const char * const cabs_name; // const absolute data (code or not) const char * const xabs_name; // absolute xdata/pdata const char * const iabs_name; // absolute idata/data struct memmap *default_local_map; // default location for auto vars struct memmap *default_globl_map; // default location for globl vars int code_ro; /* code space read-only 1=yes */ } mem; struct { void (*genExtraAreaDeclaration)(FILE *, bool); void (*genExtraAreaLinkOptions)(FILE *); } extraAreas; /* stack related information */ struct { /** -1 for grows down (z80), +1 for grows up (mcs51) */ int direction; /** Extra overhead when calling between banks */ int bank_overhead; /** Extra overhead when the function is an ISR */ int isr_overhead; /** Standard overhead for a function call */ int call_overhead; /** Re-enterant space */ int reent_overhead; /** 'banked' call overhead. Mild overlap with bank_overhead */ int banked_overhead; } stack; struct { /** One more than the smallest mul/div operation the processor can do natively Eg if the processor has an 8 bit mul, native below is 2 */ unsigned muldiv; unsigned shift; } support; struct { void (*emitDebuggerSymbol) (char *); struct { int (*regNum) (struct regs *); bitVect * cfiSame; bitVect * cfiUndef; int addressSize; int regNumRet; int regNumSP; int regNumBP; int offsetSP; } dwarf; } debugger; struct { int maxCount; int sizeofElement; int sizeofMatchJump[3]; int sizeofRangeCompare[3]; int sizeofSubtract; int sizeofDispatch; } jumptableCost; /** Prefix to add to a C function (eg "_") */ const char *fun_prefix; /** Called once the processor target has been selected. First chance to initalise and set any port specific variables. 'port' is set before calling this. May be NULL. */ void (*init) (void); /** Parses one option + its arguments */ bool (*parseOption) (int *pargc, char **argv, int *i); /** Optional list of automatically parsed options. Should be implemented to at least show the help text correctly. */ OPTION *poptions; /** Initialise port spectific paths */ void (*initPaths)(void); /** Called after all the options have been parsed. */ void (*finaliseOptions) (void); /** Called after the port has been selected but before any options are parsed. */ void (*setDefaultOptions) (void); /** Does the dirty work. */ void (*assignRegisters) (struct ebbIndex *); /** Returns the register name of a symbol. Used so that 'regs' can be an incomplete type. */ const char *(*getRegName) (struct regs * reg); /* list of keywords that are used by this target (used by lexer) */ char **keywords; /* Write any port specific assembler output. */ void (*genAssemblerPreamble) (FILE * of); /* invoked at end assembler file */ void (*genAssemblerEnd) (FILE * of); /* Write the port specific IVT. If genIVT is NULL or if * it returns zero, default (8051) IVT generation code * will be used. */ int (*genIVT) (struct dbuf_s *oBuf, symbol ** intTable, int intCount); void (*genXINIT) (FILE * of); /* Write port specific startup code */ void (*genInitStartup) (FILE * of); /* parameter passing in register related functions */ void (*reset_regparms) (void); /* reset the register count */ int (*reg_parm) (struct sym_link *, bool reentrant); /* will return 1 if can be passed in register */ /** Process the pragma string 'sz'. Returns 0 if recognised and processed, 1 otherwise. May be NULL. */ int (*process_pragma) (const char *sz); /** Mangles a support function name to reflect the calling model. */ char *(*getMangledFunctionName) (char *szOrginial); /** Returns true if the port can multiply the two types nativly without using support functions. */ bool (*hasNativeMulFor) (iCode *ic, sym_link *left, sym_link *right); /** Returns true if the port has implemented certain bit manipulation iCodes (RRC, RLC, SWAP, GETHBIT, GETABIT, GETBYTE, GETWORD) */ bool (*hasExtBitOp) (int op, int size); /** Returns the relative expense of accessing a particular output storage class. Larger values indicate higher expense. */ int (*oclsExpense) (struct memmap *oclass); /** If TRUE, then tprintf and !dw will be used for some initalisers */ bool use_dw_for_init; /** TRUE for targets with little endian byte ordering, FALSE for targets with big endian byte ordering. */ bool little_endian; /* condition transformations */ bool lt_nge; /* transform (a < b) to !(a >= b) */ bool gt_nle; /* transform (a > b) to !(a <= b) */ bool le_ngt; /* transform (a <= b) to !(a > b) */ bool ge_nlt; /* transform (a >= b) to !(a < b) */ bool ne_neq; /* transform a != b --> ! (a == b) */ bool eq_nne; /* transform a == b --> ! (a != b) */ bool arrayInitializerSuppported; bool (*cseOk) (iCode *ic, iCode *pdic); builtins *builtintable; /* table of builtin functions */ int unqualified_pointer; /* unqualified pointers type is */ int reset_labelKey ; /* reset Label no 1 at the start of a function */ int globals_allowed ; /* global & static locals not allowed ? 0 ONLY TININative*/ #define PORT_MAGIC 0xAC32 /** Used at runtime to detect if this structure has been completly filled in. */ int magic; } PORT; extern PORT *port; #if !OPT_DISABLE_MCS51 extern PORT mcs51_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_GBZ80 extern PORT gbz80_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_Z80 extern PORT z80_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_AVR extern PORT avr_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_DS390 extern PORT ds390_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_PIC extern PORT pic_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_PIC16 extern PORT pic16_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_TININative extern PORT tininative_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_XA51 extern PORT xa51_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_DS400 extern PORT ds400_port; #endif #if !OPT_DISABLE_HC08 extern PORT hc08_port; #endif #endif /* PORT_INCLUDE*/