import sys, re import string """Simple script that scans all of the test suite results text fed in through stdin and summarises the total number of failures, test points, and test cases.""" # Read in everything lines = sys.stdin.readlines() # Init the running totals failures = 0 cases = 0 tests = 0 bytes = 0 ticks = 0 # hack for valdiag name = "" for line in lines: if ('^--- Running', line)): name = line # '--- Summary: f/t/c: ...', where f = # failures, t = # test points, # c = # test cases. if ('^--- Summary:', line)): (summary, data, rest) = re.split(r':', line) (nfailures, ntests, ncases) = re.split(r'/', data) failures = failures + string.atof(nfailures) tests = tests + string.atof(ntests) cases = cases + string.atof(ncases) if (string.atof(nfailures)): print name # '--- Simulator: b/t: ...', where b = # bytes, t = # ticks if ('^--- Simulator:', line)): (simulator, data, rest) = re.split(r':', line) (nbytes, nticks) = re.split(r'/', data) bytes = bytes + string.atof(nbytes) ticks = ticks + string.atof(nticks) print "%.0f failures, %.0f tests, %.0f test cases, %.0f bytes, %.0f ticks" % (failures, tests, cases, bytes, ticks)