# # $Id: makefile_gcc,v 1.1 2000/08/30 20:37:50 maurie Exp $ # # Copyright Motorola, Inc. 1993, 1994 # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED # # You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and # distribute the SOFTWARE so long as this entire notice is retained # without alteration in any modified and/or redistributed versions, # and that such modified versions are clearly identified as such. # No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under # any patents or trademarks of Motorola, Inc. # # The SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty. # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS # ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT WITH # REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS # THEREOF) AND ANY ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. # # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, IN NO EVENT SHALL # MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF # BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS # INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OF THE USE OR # INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. Motorola assumes no responsibility # for the maintenance and support of the SOFTWARE. # # Usage: /usr/local/bin/make PREFIX = /usr/local/AltiVec/bin/ LIBS = COPY = cp CCOPT = -I. -I$(@D) -c CC = $(PREFIX)powerpc-eabisim-gcc OBJCOPY = $(PREFIX)powerpc-eabisim-objcopy OBJDUMP = $(PREFIX)powerpc-eabisim-objdump # Assembler used to build the .s files (for the board version) ASOPT = -I. -I$(@D) -m603 -c -x assembler-with-cpp AS = $(PREFIX)powerpc-eabisim-gcc $(ASOPT) LDFLAGS = -v -fno-builtin -fnostartfiles -Ttext=0x0008fffc LINK = $(CC) -e main $(LDFLAGS) memspeed.src: memspeed.o dinkusr.o $(LINK) memspeed.o dinkusr.o $(LIBS) -o memspeed.out $(OBJCOPY) -O srec memspeed.out memspeed.src $(OBJDUMP) -a -f -s -h -l -t memspeed.out > xref.txt $(COPY) memspeed.src memspeed.txt memspeed.o: memspeed.c ../../dinkusr.h $(CC) -c memspeed.c -o memspeed.o dinkusr.o: ../../dinkusr.s ../../dinkusr.h $(AS) ../../dinkusr.s -o dinkusr.o clean: rm -f *.o *.src xref.txt memspeed.out memspeed.txt