Donate to ECSE -- Invest in the Future!

ECSE Students Working and Learning Together

Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE) welcomes donation to support and augment our activities.  Please go to the RPI Giving Page, click on "Other" and enter "For ECSE Excellence Fund only" (or For ECSE Mercer XLab or For ECSE Agile Drone and Robotics Innovation Testbed, ADRoIT) in the Please Specify box.

ECSE uses the ECSE Excellence Fund for a range of purposes:

  • Student scholarship: recognize accomplishments of outstanding ECSE students.
  • Student recruiting: attract top ECSE applicants through topper awards.
  • Student travel: support ECSE students presenting their work in conferences and field trips.
  • Student clubs: support ECSE affiliated clubs such as the Embedded Hardware Clubs and Hybrid Formula Competition.
  • Lab improvement: upgrade lab equipment and supplies in ECSE courses.

There are also naming and endowment opportunities -- please contact the department head to discuss more:

  • Endowed ECSE Labs: support ECSE teaching labs and research labs.
  • Endowed ECSE Space: support ECSE meeting spaces.
  • Endowed ECSE Student Fellowships: support ECSE graduate student research.
  • Endowed ECSE Professorship: help recruit and support outstanding ECSE faculty.
  • Endowed ECSE Department: provide long term support for the department.


Alumni Engagement Opportunities