ESE601: Hybrid Systems

Downloadable materials:

Following university regulations, these files are password protected.

[R1] A.J. van der Schaft and J. M. Schumacher, An introduction to hybrid dynamical systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000.[pdf]

[R2] R. Alur, T.A. Henzinger, H. Wong-Toi, "Symbolic analysis of hybrid systems," in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control 1997. [pdf]

[R3] R. Alur, et al, "The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems," in Theoretical Computer Science, 138:3-34, 1995.[pdf]

[R4] N.A. Lynch and M.R. Tuttle, "An introduction to input/output automata," in CWI Quarterly, 2(3):219-246, 1989. [pdf]

[R5] N.A. Lynch, R. Segala and F.W. Vaandrager, "Hybrid I/O automata," in Information and Computation 185(1):105-157, 2003. [pdf]

[R6] A. Bemporad and M. Morari, "Control of systems integrating logic, dynamics, and constraints," in Automatica 35:407-427, 1999. [pdf]

[R7] W.P.M.H. Heemels, B. de Schutter and A. Bemporad, "Equivalence of hybrid dynamical models," in Automatica 37:1085-1091, 2001. [pdf]

[R8] C. Tomlin, G.J. Pappas, and S. Sastry, "Conflict resolution for ATM: a study in multiagent hybrid systems", in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control 43(4):509-521, 1998 [pdf]

[R9] E.D. Sontag, "Molecular systems biology and control," in Europ. Journal of Control 11:396-435, 2005 [pdf]

[R10] R. Alur, et al, "Hybrid modeling and simulation of biomolecular networks", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2034, pp. 19-32, 2001 [pdf]

[R11] A. Balluchi, et al, "Synthesis for idle speed control of an automotive engine", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2993, pp. 80-94, 2004 [pdf]

[R12] T. Bak, J. Bendtsen and A.P. Ravn, "Hybrid control design for a wheeled mobile robot", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2623, pp. 50-65, 2003 [pdf]

[R13] N.A. Neogi, "Dynamic partitioning of large discrete event biological systems for hybrid simulation and analysis", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2993, pp. 463-476, 2004 [pdf]

[R14] R. Alur, T.A. Henzinger, G. Lafferriere and G.J. Pappas, "Discrete abstraction of hybrid systems", in Proceedings of the IEEE, 2000. [pdf]

[R15] E.A. Emerson, "Temporal and modal logic", in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science Vol.B, Elsevier Science Pub., pp. 995-1072, 1990. [pdf]

[R16] Ph. Schnoebelen, "The complexity of temporal logic model checking", in Advances in Modal Logic, 4:1-44, 2002.[pdf]

[R17] G. Pappas, "Bisimilar linear systems", in Automatica, 39:2035-2047, 2003. [pdf]

[R18] A. J. van der Schaft, "Equivalence of dynamical systems by bisimulation", in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 49:2160-2172, 2004. [pdf]

[R19] A. Girard, "Reachability of uncertain linear systems using zonotopes", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 3414, pp. 291-305, 2005 [pdf]

[R20] A.B. Kurzhanski and P. Varaiya, "Ellipsoidal technique for reachability analysis", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 1790, pp. 202-214, 2000 [pdf]

[R21] A. Chutinan and B.H. Krogh, "Verification of polyhedral-invariant hybrid automata using polygonal flow pipe approximations", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 1569, pp. 76-90, 1999 [pdf]

[R22] S. Prajna and A. Jadbabaie, "Safety verification of hybrid systems using barrier certificate", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2993, pp. 477-492, 2004 [pdf]

[R23] C.J. Tomlin et al, "Computational techniques for the verification of hybrid systems", in Proceedings of the IEEE, 2003. [pdf]

[R24] I. Mitchell and C.J. Tomlin, "Level set methods in for computation in hybrid systems", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 1790, pp. 310-323, 2000 [pdf]

[R25] R. Alur, T. Dang and F. Ivancic, "Reachability analysis of hybrid systems via predicate abstraction", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2289, pp. 35-48, 2002 [pdf]

[R26] S. Prajna et al, "SOSTOOLS User's Guide", [pdf]

[R27] UPPAAL2k: Small tutorial [pdf]

[R28] R. DeCarlo, M.S. Branicky, S. Petterson, and B. Lennartson, "Perspectives and results on the stability and stabilizability of hybrid systems", in Proceedings of the IEEE 88(7), 2000. [pdf]

[R29] C.J. Tomlin, J. Lygeros, S. Sastry, "A game theoretic approach to controller design for hybrid systems", in Proceedings of the IEEE 88(7), 2000. [pdf]

[R30] L.C.G.J.M Habets and J.H. van Schuppen, "Control of piecewise-linear hybrid systems on simplices and rectangles", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2034, pp. 261-274, 2001 [pdf]

[R31] A. Bemporad, F. Borrelli, M. Morari, "On the optimal control law for linear discrete time hybrid systems", in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2289, pp. 105-119, 2002 [pdf]

[R32] G. Pola, M.L. Bujorianu, J. Lygeros and M.D. Di Benedetto, "Stochastic hybrid models: an overview", in Proceedings IFAC Workshop on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, St. Malo, France, 2003.[pdf]

[R33] J.P. Hespanha, "Stochastic hybrid systems:application to communication networks", in  Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 2993, pp. 387-401, 2004 [pdf]

[R34] J.P. Hespanha, "Polynomial stochastic hybrid systems", in  Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, LNCS 3414, pp. 322-338, 2005 [pdf]


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