Active Information Fusion



Active Information Fusion for Decision Making


Project goal:  


Develop a unified probabilistic framework for effective representation of sensor data of different modalities, for active fusion of sensory data, and for efficient and timely decision-making.



Technical Challenges:

Develop and implement a DID for simultaneous sensor fusion, sensor selection, and decision making

Learn model parameter efficiently when data are incomplete

1). Develop computational methods to efficiently compute sensor selection criteria
2). Develop active sensor selection strategies to efficiently identify an optimal sensor set
3). Efficiently integrate the acquired sensory data, update the belief in current hypothesis, and make optimal decisions


1. Develop and implement a framework for simultaneous fusion, sensor selection, and decision making
i) A Dynamic Bayesian Network for Active Information Fusion
ii) Active Infomation Fusion for Decision Making using a Dynamic Influence Diagram

2. Develop a learning algorithm to estimate model parameters when data are incomplete.
i) A Constrained Expectation-Maximization Learning Algorithm

3. Develop the sensor selection criterion and computational methods to efficiently compute the criterion.
i) Mutual Information based method
ii)Value-of-Information based method

4. Develop the active sensor selection strategies to efficiently identify a subset of optimal sensors
i) Sensor Selection Method One

ii) Sensor Selection Method Two

5. Efficiently integrate the acquired sensory data and update the beleif to current hypothesis
i) An Efficient BN Inference Algorithm





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