Summary | Background | Methods | Results | Publications

Volume enhancement: tube-enhancing filter, coherence-enhancing diffusion and surface-enhancing filter

After wavelet enhancement, the microtubules are still embedded in the low contrast volume. Further enhancement is still needed. We propose to enhance the volume with a set of spatial domain 3D filters by exploiting the local geometric properties of tubular structures.


Shape estimation from curvatures of hyper-surface

3D image is treated as 4D hyper-surface

Local shape is estimated using the curvatures of the hyper-surface. Shape filters designed in this way provide better feature localization and can handle contrast variations.



First fundamental form is derived as

Surface normal is derived as

First fundamental form is derived as

Weingarten matrix                   

The eigenvalues of W are the principal curvatures, order them as



Tube-enhancing filter

For tubular object

Roundness criterion


Elongation criterion

A filter is constructed to produce strong response on tubular object

Tube-enhancing filtering on synthetic data





Enhancement with tube-enhancing filter on synthetic data.(a) the original image, (b) noise added, (c) enhanced image in (b) with our method, (d) enhanced image in (b) with the Hessian matrix based method. Our filter not only accentuates the object centerline significantly but also attenuates other morphology more effectively


Modified coherence-enhancing diffusion

The modified coherence-enhancing diffusion completes the interruptions along microtubules. The diffusion tensor is constructed based on the response of the tube-enhancing filter and the eigenvectors of the Weingarten matrix.


Tube-enhancing filter and modified coherence-enhancing filter on tomography image

(left) enhanced with anisotropic invariant wavelet transform, (middle) further enhanced with tube-enhancing filter, (right) further enhanced image in (middle) with the modified coherence-enhancing filter


Microtubules enhanced and localized in 3D volume



(top left) the original volume, (top right) the enhanced microtubules with 3D rendering, (bottom) extracted centerlines from different views


Surface-enhancing filter

For ideal cylinder surface features


In practice, only the first and the third eigenvalues are used

A surface-enhancing filter is constructed to produce strong response for voxels on surface features


Enhanced surface features





(a) a longitudinal original slice, (b) enhanced image, (c) cross-sectional slices. top row: original slices, middle row: enhanced with our surface-enhancing filter, bottom row: enhanced with Hessian based filter


Summary | Background | Methods | Results | Publications